Restaurant Check screen

The Restaurant Check screen is the screen used (with Skyware's Point of Sale module) for entering menu order information, number of customers at a table, and other information to an open restaurant check. The screen appears once you create a new check for any table or point of service within the POS, or after you select to view an open check. (See also How to Open a Check, Create or Open a Check and Modify an Open Check). It may be reached via the Restaurant Log In page or through the regular Skyware system at any time, using the POS Main Menu.

Restaurant Check Screen ecample

The Restaurant Check screen opens with the Items tab automatically shown.

Note: The options shown on your Restaurant Check screen are Property specific, and are determined via the configuration options set using the POS Configuration Menu. This menu contains commands that allow you to configure and edit the items configured for the food and beverage service areas of the property. Much of this will have been performed during the initial installation of Skyware Systems, but can also be done subsequently.



Date Updated September 12, 2024